
零点 音乐

1. 词汇解释


(1) 接待。reception可以表示在某个场合或某种活动中,负责接待来宾或客人的人或部门。比如“酒店前台reception”、“公司接待处reception”。

(2) 接收。reception可以表示接收来自外界的讯息、信息、信号等。比如“电视机的reception很好”、“无线电接收机的reception效果不错”。

(3) 接受。reception可以表示接受、认可、赞同等意思。比如“他的演讲得到了热烈的reception”、“我的建议没有得到reception”。


(4) 仪式。reception还可以表示某些特定的场合、仪式等。比如“婚礼reception”、“学位授予仪式reception”。

2. 用法示例

(1) 接待

a. The receptionist greeted us with a warm smile. (接待员面带微笑地迎接了我们。)

b. The hotel reception is open 24 hours a day. (酒店前台reception每天24小时开放。)

c. The company receptionist will show you to your meeting room. (公司接待处reception会带你去会议室。)

(2) 接收

a. The radio has good reception in this area. (无线电在这个地区的reception效果很好。)

b. The phone has poor reception in this building. (在这个建筑物内,手机的reception很差。)

c. The satellite dish provides excellent reception of digital TV signals. (卫星接收器提供了数字电视信号的优异reception。)

(3) 接受

a. The idea was well received by the audience. (这个想法受到了观众的热烈reception。)

b. I hope my proposal will receive a positive reception from the board. (我希望我的提议能够得到董事会的积极reception。)

c. The new policy has not been well received by the public. (这项新政策并没有受到公众的好reception。)

(4) 仪式

a. The wedding reception was held at a fancy hotel downtown. (婚礼reception在市中心一家高档酒店举行。)

b. The graduation reception will be held in the university hall. (毕业典礼reception将在大学礼堂举行。)

c. The ambassador hosted a reception for foreign dignitaries. (大使为外国贵宾举办了一次reception。)

3. 总结

